RSS Reader (en)

 I wonder when I stopped using RSS readers. Personally, I feel like Livedoor reader is about to disappear, and the one provided by Google at that time also disappeared. In a sense, it seems like an era has come to an end. Probably in the early 2010s.

Perhaps coinciding with this, curation apps have emerged. You could call it a summary site, but each one became a native app and became a media in its own right by locking in traffic, which probably happened in the first half of the 2010s. Then, as expected from everyone, a major accident occurred. Welq. This is definitely 2016.

Putting aside the Welq issue itself, at the time I didn't think my internet literacy was that low, so I didn't change the way I gathered information from the internet much. In a sense, I have always been collecting information from X (Tweeter).

I've been using it for a long time because it's quick on trends and has sharp comments, but I guess it also depends on my mood, and I tend to dislike some marketing topics, so I sometimes follow them or not. there were. That in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but I've started to feel biased within myself. (probably)

Is it because of Corona? Communication has decreased. Maybe my normal has become X. Or maybe he was starting to act like he was a sharp and assertive person out of his responsibility as a team leader. Looking back now, I think that may have caused me to maintain a sense of distance from others. I don't think that this is a direct result of a decline in communication skills, but I do think that it is becoming less common for people to empathize with others by saying, "That's right." That was also what I was aiming for. .

In 2024, let's change ourselves a little. Let's take in some general opinions. Let's input. Isn't that what creates a new me? I started using Feedly. Well, things may change again and again.



Around 2020


Hello! WORLD!!