10 Years of Encounter Vol.1

 In 2014 (actually 2013), I graduated from CyberAgent. One thing that left a particularly strong impression on me was that I was responsible for Google's web advertising as a client at the time, mainly banners, but I was responsible for almost all of Google's products, and I felt that I had accomplished something. . At the same time, I was already feeling the limits of banner creative PDCA and was feeling discouraged.

In 2016, ABEMA opened, and at the same time, the YouTube project "PPAP", which targeted the entire world, became a hit. I won't go into details, but I think it was packed with things that Google Japan wanted to do.

The timing was the first year of video, and I think this is what was being said in the media as well. I felt the same way.



Around 2020


Hello! WORLD!!